Dispatch received 7.30pm.
Commandant has left for 3rd Battalion area and shall return on Monday.
Am changing HQ to Lackendarra tomorrow.
Captain of Engineers has just issued instructions to completely cut of Dungarvan.
Only one road is open at present he thought this absolutely necessary from a public point of view.
Your order shall be carried out without delay.
Bolt of 2nd American, is either missing lost or mislaid. (American is a reference to an American Carbine or Rifle)
Enquire of bearer of 1st rifle about it, he will give you particulars.
He was in charge of it get him to state in what part of Ballintaylor he thinks it is.
To Officer Commanding 1st Battalion
Your form re commandeering of bikes received in excellent trim.
It was excellent 12 bikes sevred ? in course of which 4 men lost.
Poorest result in the Brigade.
You are supposed to send a dispatch to H.Q. on usual dispatch days-direct to centre.
Your last report (dispatch) consisted of a form which should have been sent in long ago.
See that this does not occur again.
Do you wish to be shown every little item re management of a Battalion.
To Officer Commanding 4th Battalion
Your communication of the 25th instant to hand.
Re what you mention I am arranging a nice job at the moment and hope to bring it off at a very early date.
Have instructed my I/0 (Intelligence Officer) to watch for such letters in the Post Office and have instructed him to bring you same at once.
Send man to Cowmans, Newline, Abbeyside where he will get full particulars.
Am very rushed at present.
Had narrow shave last night but all well's that end's well.
Will meet you on 30th instant as arranged.
To 1st Lieut. "N" Company 1st Battalion
Officer Commanding your Company is gone to Col. (Colligan Wood ?). He will be back tonight.
Have arrangements made in Ballymullala for the boys. Have digs as far back as Toor from Laura Cross.
None are to be quartered in Ballintaylor; just from Laura cross to Toor.
If you can manage to get a few mattresses into school room and some blankets-some of them can go there and take there grub at McGraths where some more will be quartered.
Have all arrangements made as soon as possible.
Have scouts around Cappagh and at Finnisk Rd. to meet them when they come along. They will be along shortly after dusk.
To Brigade Quarter Master
The following are required immediately by Flying Column.
2 bottles of Iodine.
2 pairs of suspenders.
Gauze (as used in strainers) for cleaning rifles.
Shirts and socks at Miss Brodericks that came from Ardmore.
Watch belonging to Pender (Old Parish) which is at Cooks.
Suit belonging to Pender at Con Murphy's.
Some ? (cans, cones) of mercurial ointment.
All the bandoliers you can lay hands on in town.
2 dozen Gilette Safety Razor Blades.
Pair of strong boots -size 9.
1 pair green socks for Officer Commanding Company.
Few green collars size 14-15.
4/7/21 5 a.m.
To Brigade Commandant
Column going into action on train at 6.30 a.m. at Rockfield Cappagh.
Come at once
Cowmings report O.K.
To Officer Commanding 1st Battalion
Enclosed find dispatch which was returned from returned from Centre on Sunday.
All men are to return to their Companys at once until further notice.
It has been noticed that some of the Col ? men are rambling around the country sponging on people, hence the necessity that they return to their Companys.
The following are exempt from above order - Kirby, Kelly, Nipper, Fox and Cullinane.
Instructions in Diary re: Incendiary Bomb
Caption on Diagram reads: Thread on inside of iron ring to fit head of Mills Bomb (hand grenade) Turn down a 1/4 pound tin at top so as to form a flange on which circular iron plate can rest. Cut corresponding hole in cover of can and then solder on cover to the can. This will hold the plate and the body of the bomb is formed. The head can be screwed on at will. Several holes are bored in tin and paper is then pasted on so as to cover tin.
Author: Fraher, Mansfield, Keohan