Chapter Ten
1. Dictionary of Disasters at Sea 1824 - 1962 - During The Age of Steam. Charles Hocking
2. A Maritime and General History of Dungarvan 1690 - 1978 John Young
3. A Walk Around Ardmore. Siobhan Lincoln 1979
4. The Cork Examiner Feb 1947
5. The Irish Times Feb 1947
Chapter Twelve
1. British Vessels Lost at Sea 1914 - 1918 HMSO 1919, reprinted by Patrick Stephens Ltd 1977
2. Discreet Memoirs by Lady Clodagh Anson Blackshaw 1931
3. Private Correspondence with Dr. John De Courcy Ireland and Gus Brittan of R.N. Submarine Museum Gosport Hants.
4. Admiralty, now Ministry of Defence (Naval) Hydrographic Department, Taunton Somerset. Private Correspondence
5. Merchant Fleets in Profile Vol 2. 1979 Duncan Haws
6. Dictionary of Disasters at Sea during the Age of Steam 1824 - 1962 Vol. 1. Charles Hocking
7. Lloyds Register of Ships 1916 - 17 and 1917 - 18 Lloyds Marine Collection, Guildhall Library
8. Irish Passenger Steamship Service Vol. 2 D.B McNeill David & Charles 1971
9. The B & I Line. Hazel P. Smyth. Gill and MacMillan
10. Ships of the Cunard Line. Frank Dodman Adlard Coles Ltd
11. Various Articles in Sea Breezes on Lloyd Sabaudo ships by J. W. Isherwood 1969 (April) and 1972 (February & November)
12. Liverpool University. The University Archives Private Correspondence
13. Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society Vol XXV 1919 Page 1 et seq. History of Port of Cork Steam Navigation by W. J. Barry
14. Cork Evening Echo Friday September 15 1970 page 7. Submarine re-surfaced to menace the survivors. Catherine Herbert
15. A Maritime & General History of Dungarvan 1690 - 1978 by John Young
16. A Million Ocean Miles. Sir Edgar T. Britten. Hutchinson, London
Chapter Thirteen
Ref. 1. Succession list of the Bishops, Cathedral and Parochial; Clergy of the Dioceses of Waterford & Lismore. Rev. W H Rennison Rector of Ardmore 1920
Ref. 2. The History, Topography and Antiquities of the County and City of Waterford Rev. R H Ryland London 1924
Ref. 3. Vestry Book for the Parish of Ardmore and Ballymacart 1827
Ref. 4. Decies (Old Waterford Society) XXVIII Spring 1985 P. 34 et seq. The Old Order Changeth - St Paul's Ardmore. Siobhan Lincoln.
Chapter Fourteen
Ref. 5. Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society Vol. V (1899) P. 57 et seq.
Reference: (1) Scarry, John: Monuments in the Past, Photographs 1870-1936, Office of Public Works, 1991: p. 22
Chapter Fifteen
Editior's Note: The Mines are in a very dangerous state and should not be entered.
Chapter Seventeen
1. For brewer, Waterford Chronicle. 14 December 1839.
2. For Foley, Dublin Evening Post. 25 November 1839; for numbers, Waterford Mirror. 14 December 1839; for O'Connell, Dublin Evening Post, 4 February 1840; for Temperance Society, Temperance Recorder. April 1843; for Father Mathew's remarks, Southern Reporter, 5 May 1842.
3. For meeting report, Waterford Chronicle. 29 September 1842.
4. For advice, Mayo Mercury. 1 August 1840, Freeman's Journal. 31 March 1840; for Mathew family distillery interest, Freeman's Journal. 4 December 1839; for Galway publican, Nenagh Gazette 22 May 1841; for whiskey and bread, Southern Reporter, 19 October 1839; for London, Temperance Recorder. August 1844.
5. For pub closures, 'Replies to Chief Inspector of Constabulary's Temperance Enquiry of March 1840', State Paper Office, Dublin, H.O.M.A. 131/10, Replies from Waterford City and Dungarvan; for races, Waterford Chronicle. 13 and 22 January, 1842.
Acknowledgement: A very sincere thank you is extended to Agnes Walsh, Catherine Hickey and Captain David Sheil, all of the Dept. of the Marine (CCRS), for their assistance in compiling this article.
Author: Siobhán Lincoln