Money order and Telegraph Office:
Postmistress and stamp dist. - Anne Mellsop
Telegraphist - Sarah Arnold
Tallow Road (Cork, Fermoy and Lismore branch Great Southern & Western Railway) 2m. from town, nearest station; three trains daily. Stationmaster: W. Hedderman.
Poor Law: - Union of Lismore; Dispensary and registration district of Tallow (pop. of district 3,568) including electoral divisions of Kilcockan, Kilwatermoy East, Kilwatermoy West, and Tallow
Med Officer :- Dr. William Hanan
Relieving Officer: Richard Tobin.
Petty Sessions Court: Every Tuesday of month.
Clerk Petty Sessions: Thomas Hayden.
Civil Bill Officer: John Ryan
Constabulary District Of Cappoquin:
In charge of Tallow Station :- Sergeant Bernard Higgins
In charge of Killeenagh Station :- Sergeant John Murphy.
Fairs: Third Tuesday each month.
Commissioner Affidavits:
Hayde, Thomas, CPS
Justices of the Peace. Landed Gentry. etc.:
Gumbleton Richard John Maxwell, JP, Castleview
Hayden Thomas CPS
Jervis Francis J. Sandyhill
Nason George S. Sandyhill
Perceval Maxwell Robert, A B Oxon, Moorhill
Perceval Maxwell William, J.P., Moorhill
Perceval Richard, Kilmore
Perry Robert Deane, Ballymote
Pyne Jasper Douglas, M.P. Lisfinney Castle
Roche P.N. Manager Munster and Leinster Bank.
Stanley Charles, Monaloo
Clergy etc.:
Condon Mrs. Mary, Superioress Carmelite Convent.
Hickson James, Curate C.I.
Prendergast Rev. James P.P. Barrack Street
Qualy Rev. James C.C. Knockanore & Kilwatermoy.
Ryland Ven. John F. A M. Archd. Lismore
Walsh Rev. Fr. Michael, C.C. Tallow Walsh
Rev. Tomas, P.P. Knockanore and Kilwatermoy.
Physicians And Surgeons:
Foote Charles Greene, M.D., LRCS EDIN, West Lodge
Hanan William, M.D., EDIN, Barrack Street.
Norris D., Tallow.
Places of Worship:
Church of Ireland (St. Catherine) –
Venerable John Ryland, AM, Archdiocese Lismore, Rector
Rev. James Hickson, Curate.
Catholic (Immaculate Conception) –
Rev. James Prendergast, P.P.
Rev. Michael Walsh. C.C.
Carmelite –
Superioress Mrs. Mary Condon.
National, Chapel Street. Head Teacher - J.O'Leary
National, Convent. Head Teachers – Carmelite Nuns.
Munster and Leinster Bank Ltd. Manager: P.N. Roche; Accountant : Thomas B.Tuckey.
Devonshire Arms, Main Street - Maryanne Joyce, Prop.
Burrowes and Co., West Street.
Greehy Luke, Convent Street.
Jacob W.J., West Street.
O'Keeffe David, Main Street.
Ryan Mary, West Street.
Ryan Michael, West Street.
Coal Merchants:
Cunningham William, Main Street.
Murphy Patrick, West Street.
Terry E.A. West Street.
Corn Merchants:
Murphy Michael, Bridge Street
Tallow Mills Co.
Carey William, West Street.
Coughlan John, Convent Street
Delaney James, Convent Street
Devine William, Tallow
Jones Alice, West Street.
WaIsh Patrick, Main Street.
White John, Barrack Street.
China, Glass and Earthenware Dealers:
Burrowes and Co., West Street.
Coughlan Patrick, West Street.
Jacob W.J., West Street.
Lambert Ellen, Convent Street.
Sheehan Catherine, West Street.
Emigration Agents:
Carey William
O'Leary John
Burrowes & Co., West Street.
Cleary John, The Bridge.
Condon Michael, West Street.
Delaney James, Convent Street.
Devine William F., Main Street.
Greehy Luke, Convent Street.
Hillgrove Thomas, Convent Street.
Jacob W.J., West Street.
Jones Alice, West Street.
Keniry Timothy, West Street.
Leahy Mary, West Street.
Grath John, Main Street.
Murphy.Patrick, West Street.
Murray John, West Street.
Murray, Mary, Convent Street.
Keeffe David, Barrack Street.
Rennick Anne, Barrack Street.
Ryan Mary, West Street.
Slattery Margaret, West Street.
Hardware Merchants and Ironmongers:
Carey John, Main Street.
Delaney James, Convent Street.
Lynch Daniel, West Street.
McCarthy Thomas, West Street.
Slattery Margaret, West Street.
Harnessmaker and Saddler:
Morrissey Cornelius, Convent Street.
Local Quarries for Sand, Stone etc.:
Kilwinney - Helena Cunningham, prop.
Leather Merchants:
Barnett William, West Street.
Delaney James, Convent Street.
McCarthy William, West Street.
Slattery Margaret, West Street.
Coughlan Patrick, West Street.
Walsh Patrick, Barrack Street.
Tailor and Outfitter:
Horan James, Convent Street.
Bennet James, Cooper, West Street.
Cavan Patrick, Blacksmith, West Street.
Casey Thomas, Bootmaker, Convent Street
Clancy Thomas, Bootmaker, Chapel Street
Collins John, Bootmaker, Bridge Street
Donovan William, Bootmaker, Convent Street
Flynn Thomas, Carpenter, Thomas Street
Flyn William, Carpenter, Barrack Street
Keeffe Daniel, Bootmaker, Convent Street
Lee Richard, Bootmaker, Convent Street
Long William, Tailor, West Street
Mack Maurice, Bootmaker, Convent Street
Piggot David, Tailor, Convent Street
Quirk James, Bootmaker, Convent Street
Riordan Maurice, Blacksmith, Barrack Street
Wall Thomas, Bootmaker, Convent Street
Colbert Patrick, Barrack Street
Connell Mary, Chapel Street
Connor Mary, West Street
Keeffe Thomas, Convent Street
Lynch Richard, West Street
O'Brien James, West Street
O'Brien John, Convent Street
O'Niell John, Convent Street
Barry John, West Street
Carey William, West Street
Cleary John, The Bridge
Condon Michael, West Street
Delaney James, Convent Street
Greehy Luke, Convent Street
Hancock Robert, Barrack Street
Keniry Timothy, West Street
McGrath John, Main Street
Mulcahy Catherine Mrs, Tallow
Murphy Patrick, West Street.
Murray Mary, Convent Street
Rennick Anne, Barrack Street
Ryan Mary, West Street
Slattery Margaret, West Street
Terry Edward A, West Street
White John, Convent Street;
Principal Farmers:
Parish of Lismore and Mocollop, Co. Cork.
Canning James, Waterpark.
Canning Thomas, Waterpark
Clancy Patrick, Garrybrittas
Paterson Thomas, Glenagurteen
Quirk Thomas, Glenagurteen
Condon Michael, Glengoura
Barrett James, Kilcalf West
Beecher James, Kilcalf
Condon Mary, Tallow
Condon William, Templevalley
Hudson Jane M, Kilmore
McCarthy Ellen, Kilwinney,
Parker James, Kilbeg Cottage
Parker W.H. Roseville
Walsh Patrick, Glenabby
Beecher John J. Moanfune
Author: E.M.P. Beecher Cantillon